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Affordable and easy to operate. Designed for high quality attractive documents. Binds up to 240...
Manual Comb Binder,punches 12 sheets, binds up to 500 sheets
Punches up to 20 sheets, binds up to 500 sheets
Punches up to 20 sheet. Binds up to 28mm 250 sheets. Double blades for 2:1(21/23 holes) and...
CB-240 Plastic Comb Manual Binding Machine, Punch 25, Bind 500 Sheets
Punches up to 15 sheets, binds up to 140 sheets(3:1 wire comb). Punches up to 20 sheets. Binds up...
Punches up to 20 sheets. Binds up to 28mm 250 sheets. Double blades for 2:1(21/23 holes) and...
Comb Binding Machine, Punches up to 25 sheets, Binds up to 500 sheets
CB-240e (Electric)Punches 25, Binds 500 Sheets
Punches up to 20 sheets - wire, Binds up to 140 sheets. Punches up to 25 sheets - comb. Binds up to...